Dr. Mohamed Zied Ben Bettaieb

من أقصى الجنوب التونسي، كلنا يد واحدة للحد من إنتشار أمراض الكلى و مخلفاتها و رفع نسبة الوعي بمسبباتها لدى العموم و للمساهمة في...

Sharon Lagas

As a CKD patient and advocate I support all of the initiatives. Three generations of my family have been affected by Alport syndrome and...

sangeetha satyan

I am a practicing nephrologist in Delaware and passionate about kidney health and improving outcomes for patients with kidney disease.

Jeff Perl

Home dialysis should be an option for all who need dialysis! Let's improve access to and outcomes of home dialysis and ''build'' an equitable...

Greg Braden

I totally support your initiative! I have been on many asn committees including the Dislysis Advisory Group and 2 subcommittes of ASN NTDS. I...

Vineeta Kumar

Go Kidneys! Honored to champion the health of all our patients and kidney community!!

Sharon Moe

Kidney Disease devastates patients and families. It costs billions of dollars, yet is unrecognized and understudied. Time to help patients by raising awareness among...


I am very committed to nephrology education directed to patients and health personnel in the Andean region (South America) Estoy muy comprometido con la...