Mina Patel-Chamberlin

Together with ASN, I am committed to changing outcomes of our patients. I especially believe in early intervention, importing all strategies to delay progression...

Alan Tolentino

United for Kidney Health! In a small community people with health literacy about preventing CKD will be my small step toward their big leap...

Analiza Guerrero

I am a proud Nephrology Nurse Practitioner and I am united for kidney health.

Al Rouch

It's time to educate all about kidney health.

Maria Story MD

Early detection and treatment of kidney disease is essential and nephrologist's can take the lead on this important intervention! Thank you ASN for this...

Sandy Ahearn

Together we will make a difference, and each patient encounter is an opportunity to impact and improve our patient's outcomes.


Such an apt message for our local community, where we get to see a lot of renal diseases on the rise. Awareness is the...

Nuriye Yildiz

I hope that patients with chronic kidney disease will receive vaccination servises and equal healthcare in 2022.

Bhargavi Degapudi

Early screening, increasing awareness about kidney disease is key to success.